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Types of Car Lights

Types of Car Lights
To pass the driving test, a candidate must be able to recognize and use a car's lights, according to the Department of Transportation's Motor Vehicle Administration. This law aims to ensure that drivers use the lights on their vehicles correctly. pass the test, many drivers “forget” these skills. This not only endangers their lives but also that of other drivers. One of the ways to get the most out of driving skills is to know the lights on cars. Numerous lights on a car serve various purposes, such as assisting the driver or signaling other cars. Accidents can happen when products are used incorrectly or not at all.
Descriptions of the Various Kinds of Car Lights:

daytimeDaytime Running Lamps- These lights are located both at the front and rear of the vehicle and usually turn on automatically but cannot always be turned off. They are intended to increase visibility for other drivers but can distract from oncoming traffic.

headlightsHeadlights- Low beam and high beam are the two types of headlights. These lights allow the driver to see the road in the dark while alerting other drivers to a vehicle's presence. dazzling other road users. A high beam produces a powerful, center-weighted light distribution with no glare and should only be used when no cars are visible ahead (coming or going).

fogFog Lamps- These lights are usually located near the headlights and are mounted low to prevent light from refracting from the fog and flashing back towards the driver. They should only be used when standard headlights are not working due to fog.

Signal Lights- They are located at the front and rear of the car and are sometimes referred to as blinkers or "turn signals". When lit, they alert other drivers that the lit vehicle is about to turn (in the visible direction) and will most likely slow down.

taillightsTaillights- Such lights are required to emit only red light at the rear of the vehicle and are wired to turn on when the headlights are turned on, for vehicles at the back to see the illuminated car.

Hazard Lights- They are located at the front and rear of the car and are also known as turn signals. When lit, they emit a flashing signal to alert other drivers that the lit car is in trouble, distress, or danger (road swing, slow funeral procession). They should never be used as a stop sign or illegal parking permit; They should only be used as warnings of hazards or traffic problems.

driving lampsDriving Lamps- These are placed in the vehicle's cabin and are used to illuminate the cabin, allowing the passenger or driver to safely study maps or driving directions and locate goods in the dark. They should never be used for a long period of time.

brake lightBrake Lights- Located next to the taillights, they communicate by slowing down or stopping oncoming traffic. You don't have to worry about abuse as they only activate when you hit the brakes. However, brake lights need to be well maintained to avoid burning yourself.